Business Administration (BBA) Curriculum
University of Arkansas Grantham’s 100% online and professionally relevant coursework is designed to help you prepare for your next challenges.
Program Snapshot:
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Program Snapshot:
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Explore our Programs
Principles of Accounting II
3 Credits›
This course expands on what the student learns in Accounting I. It is focused on corporate accounting. This course discusses how corporations are structured and formed, with an emphasis on corporate characteristics. Stocks, bonds, notes, purchase investments and analysis of financial statements are included, as well as an in-depth look at managerial accounting. Statements of cash flow, budgets and budget management are also examined.
Intermediate Accounting I
3 Credits›
This course is designed to familiarize students with the fundamentals and objectives of financial and accounting practices. The basic aspects of the financial statement are analyzed, as is the relationship between the number of receipts and the time value of money. Students examine the elements of the income statement, the statement of cash flows and the methods of adjusting inventory measurements. Other topics include: balance sheets, inventory measurements, accounting issues with operational costs and the role played by investments in the accounting process.
Cost Accounting
3 Credits›
This course explores the basic principles of cost accounting, the different types of costing and how organizations use cost information to make decisions. Other topics covered include: customer profitability analysis, service costs, budgeting and financial planning, transfer pricing, responsibility accounting, performance measurement and the importance of nonfinancial indicators.
Taxation - Individual
3 Credits›
This course introduces students to basic concepts of individual income taxation. Students examine the basic forms, allowable deductions and adjustments to income and tax credits. Other topics covered include: self-employment income and expenses; capital gains; income from rental properties, royalties, flow through entities and special property transactions; payroll taxes and retirement plans; at-risk rules and passive activity loss rules; and alternative minimum tax.
Auditing and Assurance
3 Credits›
This course integrates previously learned accounting practice with auditing standards and procedures. Course content includes a detailed study of the auditing and assurance environment, concepts, tools and reports. Specific topics include: professional standards, audit reports, professional ethics, legal liability of auditors, audit evidence, audit planning and design, internal control, audit sampling, testing cycle controls, and performing substantive tests and completing the audit.
Governmental and Non-Profit Accounting
3 Credits›
This course is a study of the specialized accounting principles applicable to state and local governments and other non-profit organizations, with an emphasis on fund accounting principles used in the recording of assets, liabilities, equity, revenues and expenditures. Additionally, this course also covers the analysis and interpretation of financial statements of such governmental and nonprofit entities.
Financial Planning
Fundamentals and Ethics of Financial Planning
3 Credits›
This course will provide a basic introduction to the ethical and professional considerations in the field of financial planning. The financial planning process will be evaluated along with business objectives, regulatory framework and evolution of the profession. Technical aspects such as time value of money calculations will also be covered. Although a specific sequence is not required, the course is generally taken as the first of seven courses necessary to sit for the Certified Financial Planner' exam.
Insurance Planning
3 Credits›
This course will provide a basic introduction to the field of insurance as well as the place of various insurance products within the financial planning process. Students will examine the professional, ethical, regulatory and technical aspects of a number of insurance products and place the knowledge in a relevant financial planning context through various course requirements including a sample plan. Although students with other objectives may also benefit from the course, students frequently take this course as one of the seven Prerequisites requirements for those who wish to sit for the Certified Financial Planner™ exam. * Textbook materials change periodically due to the nature of this course. Students need to be prepared to purchase new materials.
Investment Planning
3 Credits›
Investment Planning will expose the student to security analysis and portfolio management, with a focus on investments within the context of comprehensive financial planning. Concepts of risk and reward, investment selection criteria, client objectives and current views in economics such as behavioral finance and efficient market hypothesis will be addressed. Although potentially useful for students with other objectives, the course is one of seven Prerequisites classes required to sit for the Certified Financial Planner™ exam. * Textbook materials change periodically due to the nature of this course. Students need to be prepared to purchase new materials.
Income Tax Planning
3 Credits›
This course introduces students to the basic principles and laws of income taxation for individuals, employees and business owners. Topics include income tax calculations for individuals and businesses, compliance and accounting methods, taxation of trusts and estates, basis, depreciation, sale of assets, alternative minimum tax, charitable contributions and tax management.
Retirement Planning
3 Credits›
This course is designed to provide students with knowledge of both public and private retirement plans. The public plans include Social Security, while the private plans include defined benefit and defined contribution plans and their regulatory provisions. The specifics of the various plans are analyzed as well as non-qualified deferred compensation plans. Finally, issues that individuals face in retirement, such as life-style choices, are discussed.
Estate Planning I
3 Credits›
This course provides an introduction to Estate Planning. The focus of this course is on purpose, documentation and process required to create an estate plan that is consistent with the client's goals and objectives. The course is designed to give students a practical understanding of the Federal Estate and Gift tax code. It covers topics such as property titling, the probate process, forecasting the estate settlement cost and gifting strategies. Students will be exposed to the financial and non-financial aspects of the planning process that takes place before the actual wealth and asset distribution discussed in Estate Planning II. The course also emphasizes legal, tax and liquidity issues that a CFP professional needs to address with the client in order to create an effective estate plan.
Estate Planning II
3 Credits›
At the completion of Estate Planning module II students are expected to have a good understanding of the Estate, Gift and Generation Skipping tax consequences of property transfers and how to structure them.
Financial Planning Capstone
3 Credits›
This course integrates the academic coursework contained in the six core areas of the financial planning process with actual practice management, This course is the Capstone for the financial planning concentration by introducing students to the skills and tools needed for developing a comprehensive financial plan for a client. The purpose of the course is to require the financial planning student to demonstrate the ability to integrate and apply knowledge of financial planning topics. The case-study class structure differs from the traditional lecture class structure in that students must take a more active role in the learning process. Students will complete many segmented financial planning cases related to fundamentals, insurance, investing, taxation, retirement planning and employee benefits and estate planning topics covered in the individual core courses. Students will develop both basic and complex comprehensive financial plans by following the CFP Board's six-step financial planning process. Students will complete individual and group work and will participate in the presentation of a comprehensive financial plan to the class.
Program Core
Principles of Business Management
3 Credits›
This introductory course provides students with a practical and concrete explanation of the concepts and techniques they will need as managers in today's new organizations. The sequence of topics follows the familiar pattern of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Throughout the course, the manager's role in leading and accommodating change is emphasized. The course also introduces the student to the issues of managing global businesses, especially the ways in which managers need to develop a global perspective in order to be successful. Issues in strategy, diversity, and entrepreneurship are covered extensively.
Computer Applications for Business
3 Credits›
This course explores applications within the Microsoft Office Suite with an emphasis on the tools needed in a business context. While covering Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, focus is placed on the use of Excel for analyzing and presenting data. Techniques for the creation of professional documents are addressed.
Mathematical Statistics I
3 Credits›
This course presents methods in making analytical decisions using statistics. The course focuses on the characteristics of numerical and categorical data, methods of presentation, and descriptive statistics. The course also introduces students to basic methods of sampling and of making inferences using one or two independent samples. NOTE: Credit may not be awarded for both MA215 and MA230.
Business Communication
3 Credits›
Through this course, students will develop professional communication skills needed in the fast-moving professional environment. With a focus on oral and written communication for business, students discover how to design and deliver messages in both formal and informal venues. Students will record themselves delivering speeches, thus they will need to know how to use a webcam and how to upload video files from their devices into the assignment dropbox in the Learning Management System.
Foundations of Marketing
3 Credits›
This course on the principles of marketing provides an introduction to the nature and fundamentals of the marketing activity in modern businesses. The broad view of marketing that is presented builds on the integration of marketing with the entire enterprise, reinforced by theories and concepts as well as practices and applications. Topics include an analysis of the economic factors influencing buyer behavior, marketing research, market segmentation, development of marketing programs (new product, price, advertising and distribution decisions), and international marketing. The course also covers new marketing technologies that are revolutionizing the way companies bring value to their customers.
3 Credits›
This course provides the student with a sound foundation in economic thinking that is central to business. Topics that are covered include: supply and demand, opportunity costs, elasticities, utility theory, the economic concept of the firm, the relationship between costs and capital in the short-run, and in the long-run, competition, monopoly, anti-trust laws, and public and private goods.
Personal Finance
3 Credits›
This introductory course provides the student with a basic understanding of personal financial planning. The course is designed to help students understand how to plan for a successful financial future for themselves and their families. The course offers a comprehensive treatment of financial planning to help students understand the complexities of today's financial world and evaluate their financial options through a formal decision-making approach.
Financial Accounting
3 Credits›
This introductory financial accounting course introduces the student to the important role of financial accounting in modern business. The key role of financial accounting is to provide useful information to external users in order that a wide variety of economic decisions can be made. The course covers the theory and practice of accounting applicable to the recording, summarizing and reporting of business transactions. Topics include the different types of financial statements and accounts, asset valuation, revenue and expense recognition and appropriate accounting for asset, liability and capital accounts.
Managerial Accounting
3 Credits›
This course is a continuation of Financial Accounting, shifting the focus from external reporting to internal needs of managers. Managerial accounting information helps managers accomplish three essential functions: planning, controlling and decision making. The course provides students with an understanding of managerial accounting information to enable them to evaluate the usefulness of managerial accounting techniques in the real world. Topics include: managerial accounting terminology, budgeting, costing, break even analysis and cost-volume-profitability analysis. The methods of identifying and extracting relevant information from managerial accounting systems as an input to decision making and performance evaluation are stressed throughout the course.
Business Law I
3 Credits›
This course is designed to provide the student with a basic understanding of the law that affects business operations including the topics of torts, contracts, commercial paper, and sales. New developments that affect the legal environment of business are presented from all three sources of law: statutes, regulations, and case law. The student will gain a thorough understanding of law that governs business and will gain an understanding of how new developments in technology affect business law.
Technology and Society
3 Credits›
Students examine the broad implications of technological applications within society in terms of overall connections and communication with others, career and personal interactions, political, and health care implications. Topics covered include technological progress within society, issues associated with privacy and ethical concerns through technological advancements, positive and negative impacts of technology in maintaining cultural norms and traditions, and technology in the workplace.
Management Information Systems
3 Credits›
This course covers the principles of managing information systems in the context of an enterprise. Topics include coverage of information technology in management, information systems in decision-making, planning of information systems, systems development, controls and security measures, and electronic commerce.
Human Resource Management
3 Credits›
This course provides students with a comprehensive review of the concepts and techniques associated with strategic human resource management (HRM) in an emerging global context. Key issues examined are the legal, ethical, and regulatory nature of the business environment. Also studied are the specific technical areas of job evaluation, recruitment and selection, compensation and benefits, training and development, performance appraisal and employee relations. Of particular importance is the examination of such areas as technology, international staffing, and global competition.
Principles of Finance I
3 Credits›
This intermediate course examines the role of the financial manager in the overall management and control of a firm. Stress is placed on the use of analytical models for improving the decision-making process. Both the short-term management of working capital and the long-term planning of capital structure and investment strategy are covered. Topics include financial ratio analysis, the time value of money, valuation of stocks and bonds, free cash flows, capital budgeting and the cost of capital.
Organizational Behavior
3 Credits›
This course introduces students to concepts and principles of organizational behavior. Students investigate the impact that individuals, groups, and structures have on behavior within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization's effectiveness. Topics addressed include motivation, leadership, communications, group structure and process, attitude and values, and the change process.
Principles of Leadership
3 Credits›
This course provides a foundation for understanding and applying research findings on leadership, focusing on classical leadership theories.
Intro to Operations Management
3 Credits›
This course provides a framework for supply chain management that requires integrative approach from all functions of the business within the company and across the network of companies that make up the supply chain. It strikes a balance between quantitative and qualitative techniques of operations needed to provide operations and supply chain managers for the challenges and opportunities they face. Students are introduced to analytical tools that operations managers use for decision making in product development, process innovation, supplier strategies, sourcing and outsourcing, strategic alliances, inventory management, and forecasting. The course also emphasizes the importance of managerial issues such as designing processes, working with people, building relationships, and managing information flows. Amongst topics covered are managing operations and supply chain, operations and supply chain strategy, managing inventories, managing process and capacity, lean systems, and demand planning
3 Credits›
This penultimate course in the core business curriculum is an advanced undergraduate course focusing on entrepreneurship and small business ownership. The major topic of the course is the development of an entrepreneurial endeavor, including analyzing the venture creation process, understanding the groundwork for becoming an entrepreneur and studying real-life examples that illustrate entrepreneurial ethics and the global dimensions of entrepreneurship.
Project Management
3 Credits›
This advanced course identifies the components of modern project management and shows how they relate to the basic phases of a project, starting with conceptual design and advanced development, and continuing through detailed design, production, and termination. Topics covered include project organization and structure; project planning and control; human behavior in the project setting; and project management information systems. The course places stress on integrative concepts rather than isolated methodologies. It relies on simple models to convey ideas and avoids detailed mathematical formulations, though some of the more important mathematical programming models are presented.
Strategic Management
3 Credits›
This course is a study of administrative processes under conditions of uncertainty, including an integrating analysis applied to all fields of business. Special emphasis is given to policy determination at the management level.
Human Resource Management
Employment Law
3 Credits›
This course provides the student with a basic understanding of law that affects business in the area of employment, including employment relationship and procedure, employment discrimination and government regulation of employment. New developments affecting the legal environment of employment are presented from all three sources of law: statutes, regulations and case law. The student will gain a thorough understanding of employment law that governs business and how new developments affect employment law.
Performance Management
3 Credits›
This course introduces students to the organizational view of performance excellence as reflected by the Malcolm Baldridge Criteria, principles of quality management, and tools and techniques managers use to drive design, control, and improve performance of the firm. Performance management is relevant and important for today's students and future business leaders, as well as those already in the workforce. Today's business and nonprofit organizations need to capitalize on the knowledge and lessons learned that excellent organizations have acquired. In this course, students will be able to discover the purpose of performance management as the approach of systems thinking into the process of work improvement in organizations. Topic covered in this course include quality management systems, variations and statistical models for improving quality and performance of the firm, customer and workforce engagement, processes, high performance work culture, and high-performance work systems among others.
Labor Relations
3 Credits›
This course examines the historical and legal basis for labor relations and collective bargaining in the United States. The growth and evolution of labor law due to court decisions, NLRB rulings, and changes in the environment of union and management relations are covered, as well as analyses of the implications of changing labor laws in the workplace. Topics include estimation of wages and benefits, computerized costing, negotiating techniques, contract enforcement, grievances and arbitration.
Developing Human Resources
3 Credits›
This course presents the opportunity to develop targeted skills using human resource systems as a management tool. Students develop expertise in creating and implementing hiring, training and reward systems. This framework includes viewing human resources as a way to enhance employee retention, development, career advancement and performance management.
3 Credits›
This course integrates the concepts and topics related to the field of compensation to organizations. The course covers topics such as skill and performance competency analysis, compensation strategies, benchmarking job types, structuring pay merits, forms of pay, performance appraisals,determining benefit structures and Government and Legal issues in compensation. This course is designed to allow practical application of compensation in organizations through analyzing asset variations and the employee performance/recompense relationship.
Integrative Experience in Human Resource Management
3 Credits›
This advanced course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive review of human resource management within the total business enterprise. The curriculum builds on previous courses to offer insights and analytic tools that a general human resource manager needs to plan and implement successful business policies and strategies. Through the use of exercises, case study analysis, and problem solving, students demonstrate their understanding of functional disciplines within human resources and apply fundamental theories to practical scenarios. Students learn strategy formulation, implementation, evaluation concepts and techniques, and apply their cumulative knowledge through a course project.
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Global Logistics Management
3 Credits›
International carrier operations and sourcing strategies for import, export and distribution of materials and finished goods are examined. This course covers facility location and off shoring of operations. Further, students in this course evaluate stakeholder roles in supply chain management as well as how countries have engaged the private sector in providing the logistics function to support their public sector supply chains.
Logistics Management
3 Credits›
This course provides an overview of the field of logistics including its nature, scope, and process, including logistics management functions and the interrelationships among strategic support and operational logistics. Students examine the logistics functions of business involved in the movement and storage of supplies, work-in-progress, and finished goods. Additionally, it explores the trade-offs between cost and service and the purchase and supply of raw materials.
Supply Chain Management
3 Credits›
This course focuses on effective supply chain management strategies for companies that operate globally with an emphasis on how to plan and integrate supply chain components into a coordinated system to deliver value. Students are exposed to concepts, models, and case studies important in supply chain planning with an emphasis on key market tradeoffs and phenomena. The course introduces and utilizes key tactics such as fulfillment strategies, process thinking, product development, supply chain design, process mapping, cost management, outsourcing, role shifting, inventory placement, integrated planning and collaboration, and information sharing.
Transportation Management
3 Credits›
This course provides an overview of the transportation industry to include providers, users, and government agencies. It examines contemporary public policy issues along with managerial strategies in transportation. Additional focus will be given to micro and macroeconomic issues in the transportation industry.
Emerging Trends in Supply Chain and Logistics Management
3 Credits›
This course covers supply chain and logistics management theories. The course will look at how the two are interconnected. It will also examine global transportation options, performance measurements, the impact of technology, and current and future challenges in supply changes and logistics management. In addition, focus will be given on collaboration and success strategies related to supply chain and logistics management.
Capstone in Logistics and Transportation Management
3 Credits›
This capstone course is an integrative course in which students synthesize their coursework and demonstrate how operations management acts as a strategic player in an organization.
Web Analytics
3 Credits›
This course is an advanced study of how businesses and organizations may use technology to measure website traffic, enhance business presence, and conduct market research.
Marketing Communications
3 Credits›
This course provides students with a baseline understanding of marketing communication strategies. Starting with the theoretical background to marketing communications, the course moves to the mechanics of producing marketing materials, describing the various techniques marketers have for telling their stories. By taking the concept of marketing as a launching point, students examine the layers of a sound marketing implementation plan by looking at several communication strategies. Initial topics include communication and miscommunication in the marketing world. The course is practical examination of real-life marketing communication tactics.
Marketing Analysis
3 Credits›
This course provides students with an advanced, managerial approach to marketing strategies, exposing students to major decisions that marketing managers may face in their effort to balance an organization's objects and resources against the needs and opportunities in the global market. Initial topics include an in depth view of strategic marketing strategies and the national and international marketing environment. Building upon this foundational knowledge, the course also explores marketing in the Internet age, the ethics of marketing from a social perspective, the global marketplace, and relationship marketing.
Public Relations
3 Credits›
This course provides students with an in-depth analysis of public relations practices. The course aims to demonstrate the critical need for effective public relations communication in the 21st-Century by placing emphasis on the principles, processes, and practices that lead to building positive relationships in a 24/7 communications environment. Starting with an understanding of how communications research, theory, and public opinion can be applied to strategic public relations planning and creation of believable and persuasive messages, the course moves through a series of 'Speaking of Ethics' features that bring to life the daily dilemmas that confront professional public relations practitioners.
Digital Media
3 Credits›
This course explores the way we read, write and speak the language of digital media by bridging theory to practice. Students will learn how and why the digital world is constructed the way it is through the examination of topics such as the definition of digital media, Internet customers and potential customers, blogging and web design, and social media tools and channels. Additionally, students will examine many of the practical and critical skills necessary to become technically proficient in digital/social media use.
Integrative Experience in Marketing
3 Credits›
This marketing course requires integration of all fields of business. It will offer students broad awareness of various environmental influences to make marketing decisions. Thus, the main purpose of this course is to integrate the learning achieved in individual business courses taken to earn a business degree. The knowledge acquired in finance, consumer behavior, communication, accounting, management and marketing courses will be utilized to make sound marketing decisions. As companies have become more customer-focused and market-driven, marketing concepts and planning have developed into a most important managerial activity. An emphasis is placed on discovering and developing a set of unique competencies for a company that, through strategic differentiation, leads to sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace. Great opportunity will be given to students to develop and practice creative problem-solving and data driven decision-making talents to meet the requirements of the complex global marketing environment. Thus, company analysis will be achieved to cover such as internal/external analysis, customer analysis, competitor analysis, market/submarket analysis and competitive strategy appraisal.
General Management
Labor Relations
3 Credits›
This course examines the historical and legal basis for labor relations and collective bargaining in the United States. The growth and evolution of labor law due to court decisions, NLRB rulings, and changes in the environment of union and management relations are covered, as well as analyses of the implications of changing labor laws in the workplace. Topics include estimation of wages and benefits, computerized costing, negotiating techniques, contract enforcement, grievances and arbitration.
Marketing Analysis
3 Credits›
This course provides students with an advanced, managerial approach to marketing strategies, exposing students to major decisions that marketing managers may face in their effort to balance an organization's objects and resources against the needs and opportunities in the global market. Initial topics include an in depth view of strategic marketing strategies and the national and international marketing environment. Building upon this foundational knowledge, the course also explores marketing in the Internet age, the ethics of marketing from a social perspective, the global marketplace, and relationship marketing.
Public Relations
3 Credits›
This course provides students with an in-depth analysis of public relations practices. The course aims to demonstrate the critical need for effective public relations communication in the 21st-Century by placing emphasis on the principles, processes, and practices that lead to building positive relationships in a 24/7 communications environment. Starting with an understanding of how communications research, theory, and public opinion can be applied to strategic public relations planning and creation of believable and persuasive messages, the course moves through a series of 'Speaking of Ethics' features that bring to life the daily dilemmas that confront professional public relations practitioners.
Intro to Quality Management
3 Credits›
In this course, students have an opportunity to analyze quality management as a statistical base of quality control. The applications of these tools design and implement a quality management system, while also addressing the underpinnings of quality theory and quality philosophy through basic mathematical equations of quality control, and develop methods for applying these tools to design, manufacturing, and inspection procedures. By examining the means used by quality managers, students unveil how members of the organization perform in their tasks in such a way that promotes quality in its processes and ensures continuous improvement in its performance.
Emerging Trends in Supply Chain and Logistics Management
3 Credits›
This course covers supply chain and logistics management theories. The course will look at how the two are interconnected. It will also examine global transportation options, performance measurements, the impact of technology, and current and future challenges in supply changes and logistics management. In addition, focus will be given on collaboration and success strategies related to supply chain and logistics management.
Performance Management
3 Credits›
This course introduces students to the organizational view of performance excellence as reflected by the Malcolm Baldridge Criteria, principles of quality management, and tools and techniques managers use to drive design, control, and improve performance of the firm. Performance management is relevant and important for today's students and future business leaders, as well as those already in the workforce. Today's business and nonprofit organizations need to capitalize on the knowledge and lessons learned that excellent organizations have acquired. In this course, students will be able to discover the purpose of performance management as the approach of systems thinking into the process of work improvement in organizations. Topic covered in this course include quality management systems, variations and statistical models for improving quality and performance of the firm, customer and workforce engagement, processes, high performance work culture, and high-performance work systems among others.
Operations Management
Continuous Improvement Tools and Techniques
3 Credits›
This course examines continuous improvement tools and techniques used in problem solving. Topics include lean management techniques, TQM and JIT. Basic statistical methods will also be reviewed along with acceptance sampling and experimental design. Student will also be able to understand the basic concepts of reliability.
Intro to Quality Management
3 Credits›
In this course, students have an opportunity to analyze quality management as a statistical base of quality control. The applications of these tools design and implement a quality management system, while also addressing the underpinnings of quality theory and quality philosophy through basic mathematical equations of quality control, and develop methods for applying these tools to design, manufacturing, and inspection procedures. By examining the means used by quality managers, students unveil how members of the organization perform in their tasks in such a way that promotes quality in its processes and ensures continuous improvement in its performance.
Supply Chain Management
3 Credits›
This course focuses on effective supply chain management strategies for companies that operate globally with an emphasis on how to plan and integrate supply chain components into a coordinated system to deliver value. Students are exposed to concepts, models, and case studies important in supply chain planning with an emphasis on key market tradeoffs and phenomena. The course introduces and utilizes key tactics such as fulfillment strategies, process thinking, product development, supply chain design, process mapping, cost management, outsourcing, role shifting, inventory placement, integrated planning and collaboration, and information sharing.
Quality Management in Operations Management
3 Credits›
This course focuses on Six Sigma and process improvement as a way to continuously improve quality within an organization. Six Sigma is an effective and validated approach in manufacturing and service organizations to improve products, services, and processes. Although Six Sigma brought a new direction to quality and productivity improvement, its underlying tools and philosophy are grounded in the fundamental principles of total quality and continuous improvement that have been used for many decades. Students are introduced to the Six Sigma Body of Knowledge promoted by the American
Society for Quality (ASQ), assess the importance of metrics and measurement in Six Sigma, evaluate the DMAIC problem-solving methodology that forms the framework for project organization, process measurement, process analysis, process improvement, and process control. The course also covers the topic of the growing importance of Six Sigma in service organizations and for gaining competitive advantage. This course is highly recommended for students who are interested to pursue a career in operations management, industrial engineering, quality and performance management, as well as for professional development in their respective careers.
Emerging Trends in Supply Chain and Logistics Management
3 Credits›
This course covers supply chain and logistics management theories. The course will look at how the two are interconnected. It will also examine global transportation options, performance measurements, the impact of technology, and current and future challenges in supply changes and logistics management. In addition, focus will be given on collaboration and success strategies related to supply chain and logistics management.
Performance Management
3 Credits›
This course introduces students to the organizational view of performance excellence as reflected by the Malcolm Baldridge Criteria, principles of quality management, and tools and techniques managers use to drive design, control, and improve performance of the firm. Performance management is relevant and important for today's students and future business leaders, as well as those already in the workforce. Today's business and nonprofit organizations need to capitalize on the knowledge and lessons learned that excellent organizations have acquired. In this course, students will be able to discover the purpose of performance management as the approach of systems thinking into the process of work improvement in organizations. Topic covered in this course include quality management systems, variations and statistical models for improving quality and performance of the firm, customer and workforce engagement, processes, high performance work culture, and high-performance work systems among others.
Program Core
Principles of Business Management
3 Credits›
This introductory course provides students with a practical and concrete explanation of the concepts and techniques they will need as managers in today's new organizations. The sequence of topics follows the familiar pattern of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Throughout the course, the manager's role in leading and accommodating change is emphasized. The course also introduces the student to the issues of managing global businesses, especially the ways in which managers need to develop a global perspective in order to be successful. Issues in strategy, diversity, and entrepreneurship are covered extensively.
Computer Applications for Business
3 Credits›
This course explores applications within the Microsoft Office Suite with an emphasis on the tools needed in a business context. While covering Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, focus is placed on the use of Excel for analyzing and presenting data. Techniques for the creation of professional documents are addressed.
Mathematical Statistics I
3 Credits›
This course presents methods in making analytical decisions using statistics. The course focuses on the characteristics of numerical and categorical data, methods of presentation, and descriptive statistics. The course also introduces students to basic methods of sampling and of making inferences using one or two independent samples. NOTE: Credit may not be awarded for both MA215 and MA230.
Business Communication
3 Credits›
Through this course, students will develop professional communication skills needed in the fast-moving professional environment. With a focus on oral and written communication for business, students discover how to design and deliver messages in both formal and informal venues. Students will record themselves delivering speeches, thus they will need to know how to use a webcam and how to upload video files from their devices into the assignment dropbox in the Learning Management System.
Foundations of Marketing
3 Credits›
This course on the principles of marketing provides an introduction to the nature and fundamentals of the marketing activity in modern businesses. The broad view of marketing that is presented builds on the integration of marketing with the entire enterprise, reinforced by theories and concepts as well as practices and applications. Topics include an analysis of the economic factors influencing buyer behavior, marketing research, market segmentation, development of marketing programs (new product, price, advertising and distribution decisions), and international marketing. The course also covers new marketing technologies that are revolutionizing the way companies bring value to their customers.
3 Credits›
This course provides the student with a sound foundation in economic thinking that is central to business. Topics that are covered include: supply and demand, opportunity costs, elasticities, utility theory, the economic concept of the firm, the relationship between costs and capital in the short-run, and in the long-run, competition, monopoly, anti-trust laws, and public and private goods.
Personal Finance
3 Credits›
This introductory course provides the student with a basic understanding of personal financial planning. The course is designed to help students understand how to plan for a successful financial future for themselves and their families. The course offers a comprehensive treatment of financial planning to help students understand the complexities of today's financial world and evaluate their financial options through a formal decision-making approach.
Data Analytics
3 Credits›
Introduces current trends and research on data science with an emphasis of algorithm design and systems for large-scale advanced data analysis.
Financial Accounting
3 Credits›
This introductory financial accounting course introduces the student to the important role of financial accounting in modern business. The key role of financial accounting is to provide useful information to external users in order that a wide variety of economic decisions can be made. The course covers the theory and practice of accounting applicable to the recording, summarizing and reporting of business transactions. Topics include the different types of financial statements and accounts, asset valuation, revenue and expense recognition and appropriate accounting for asset, liability and capital accounts.
Managerial Accounting
3 Credits›
This course is a continuation of Financial Accounting, shifting the focus from external reporting to internal needs of managers. Managerial accounting information helps managers accomplish three essential functions: planning, controlling and decision making. The course provides students with an understanding of managerial accounting information to enable them to evaluate the usefulness of managerial accounting techniques in the real world. Topics include: managerial accounting terminology, budgeting, costing, break even analysis and cost-volume-profitability analysis. The methods of identifying and extracting relevant information from managerial accounting systems as an input to decision making and performance evaluation are stressed throughout the course.
Business Law I
3 Credits›
This course is designed to provide the student with a basic understanding of the law that affects business operations including the topics of torts, contracts, commercial paper, and sales. New developments that affect the legal environment of business are presented from all three sources of law: statutes, regulations, and case law. The student will gain a thorough understanding of law that governs business and will gain an understanding of how new developments in technology affect business law.
Technology and Society
3 Credits›
Students examine the broad implications of technological applications within society in terms of overall connections and communication with others, career and personal interactions, political, and health care implications. Topics covered include technological progress within society, issues associated with privacy and ethical concerns through technological advancements, positive and negative impacts of technology in maintaining cultural norms and traditions, and technology in the workplace.
Management Information Systems
3 Credits›
This course covers the principles of managing information systems in the context of an enterprise. Topics include coverage of information technology in management, information systems in decision-making, planning of information systems, systems development, controls and security measures, and electronic commerce.
Human Resource Management
3 Credits›
This course provides students with a comprehensive review of the concepts and techniques associated with strategic human resource management (HRM) in an emerging global context. Key issues examined are the legal, ethical, and regulatory nature of the business environment. Also studied are the specific technical areas of job evaluation, recruitment and selection, compensation and benefits, training and development, performance appraisal and employee relations. Of particular importance is the examination of such areas as technology, international staffing, and global competition.
Principles of Finance I
3 Credits›
This intermediate course examines the role of the financial manager in the overall management and control of a firm. Stress is placed on the use of analytical models for improving the decision-making process. Both the short-term management of working capital and the long-term planning of capital structure and investment strategy are covered. Topics include financial ratio analysis, the time value of money, valuation of stocks and bonds, free cash flows, capital budgeting and the cost of capital.
Organizational Behavior
3 Credits›
This course introduces students to concepts and principles of organizational behavior. Students investigate the impact that individuals, groups, and structures have on behavior within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization's effectiveness. Topics addressed include motivation, leadership, communications, group structure and process, attitude and values, and the change process.
Principles of Leadership
3 Credits›
This course provides a foundation for understanding and applying research findings on leadership, focusing on classical leadership theories.
Intro to Operations Management
3 Credits›
This course provides a framework for supply chain management that requires integrative approach from all functions of the business within the company and across the network of companies that make up the supply chain. It strikes a balance between quantitative and qualitative techniques of operations needed to provide operations and supply chain managers for the challenges and opportunities they face. Students are introduced to analytical tools that operations managers use for decision making in product development, process innovation, supplier strategies, sourcing and outsourcing, strategic alliances, inventory management, and forecasting. The course also emphasizes the importance of managerial issues such as designing processes, working with people, building relationships, and managing information flows. Amongst topics covered are managing operations and supply chain, operations and supply chain strategy, managing inventories, managing process and capacity, lean systems, and demand planning
3 Credits›
This penultimate course in the core business curriculum is an advanced undergraduate course focusing on entrepreneurship and small business ownership. The major topic of the course is the development of an entrepreneurial endeavor, including analyzing the venture creation process, understanding the groundwork for becoming an entrepreneur and studying real-life examples that illustrate entrepreneurial ethics and the global dimensions of entrepreneurship.
Project Management
3 Credits›
This advanced course identifies the components of modern project management and shows how they relate to the basic phases of a project, starting with conceptual design and advanced development, and continuing through detailed design, production, and termination. Topics covered include project organization and structure; project planning and control; human behavior in the project setting; and project management information systems. The course places stress on integrative concepts rather than isolated methodologies. It relies on simple models to convey ideas and avoids detailed mathematical formulations, though some of the more important mathematical programming models are presented.
International Management
3 Credits›
This advanced course explores the unpredictable forces of foreign business environments and the role of multinational corporations in worldwide economic development with emphasis on complexities confronting U.S. firms operating in international market, covering trade and foreign investment; theories of international trade, economic development and international investment; and governmental and private international agencies, which affects international business.
Strategic Management
3 Credits›
This course is a study of administrative processes under conditions of uncertainty, including an integrating analysis applied to all fields of business. Special emphasis is given to policy determination at the management level.
General Education
UAG Engage
1 Credits›
This course introduces students to the University of Arkansas Grantham policies and staff, provides information about higher education funding resources, discusses important skills for success in the online learning environment, and provides information about University of Arkansas Grantham student support services. Students practice submitting assignments and navigating the Learning Management System (Blackboard). Students will be required to demonstrate fundamental skills necessary for success in the online learning environment at the University of Arkansas Grantham.
Life Science I
4 Credits›
This course covers the process and method of science applied to understanding biological concepts at the molecular, cellular, organismal and community levels. The emphasis of this course is on biological diversity in major groups of living organisms and ecology. This course includes a lab.
Life Science II
4 Credits›
This course stresses human systems, with applications to contemporary issues in human health and the environment. The scientific method and social applications of scientific information related to human issues are emphasized. This course includes a lab.
3 Credits›
This introductory course provides an overview of current and traditional concerns and methods of macroeconomics. Topics that are covered include: economic growth, unemployment inflation, government deficits, monetary policy, investment and capital, the role and methods of the Federal Reserve, Keynesian and monetarist theories and comparative advantage.
English Composition I
3 Credits›
This course emphasizes the writing process. Students will apply principles of good writing practice through various genre (narrative, persuasive, expository writings). Additionally, students will analyze reading material as part of the critical and creative thinking processes associated with written communication.
Fundamentals of Technical Writing
3 Credits›
This course introduces students to terms, concepts, and documents related to Technical Writing (writing in the work environment). The concepts and skills presented in the course are intended to be a foundation for effective writing that combines content and format with knowledge of the target audience. Technical writing covers many document types; the course will provide an overview of documents used in the work place such as visual elements, instructions, reports, and presentations. Students will create a portfolio of technical writing documents including: a proposal, progress reports, feasibility and recommendation reports, visual elements, and descriptions of a mechanism and a process.
Quantitative Reasoning
3 Credits›
This course provides the fundamentals of data aptitude. Through this exploration of quantitative reasoning, emphasis will be placed on how to interpret graphs, charts, and pictorial representations of data, along with an understanding of the principles underlying statistics and financial information.
Strategies for Decision Making
3 Credits›
This course examines critical thinking and the analysis of arguments in terms of premises, reasons, and conclusions. Course topics include obstacles to critical thinking, diagramming arguments, belief and doubt, logical fallacies, inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning, inferences, and judging scientific theories.
Professional Ethics
3 Credits›
This course is a survey of ethical systems with an examination of how such systems can be applied to business, medical, legal, environmental, and personal issues.
American Government I
3 Credits›
This course provides an introduction to American government and politics. Topics include the concept of a constitutional democracy, federalism, amendment rights and equal rights under the law. Also covered are political culture, political ideology, interest groups, lobbying, and political campaigns and elections.
Fundamentals of Psychology
3 Credits›
This course presents an introductory overview of psychology. The course includes topics such as the history of psychology, nature vs. nurture, biological psychology, sensation, perceptions, developmental theories, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, memory, cognition, personality, health, and social psychology.
Introduction to Sociology I
3 Credits›
This course offers a global perspective to help students understand their own lives as well as presenting the most current research in the field of sociology. Students will explore social diversity while critically examining the issues and challenges facing society. Topics covered include the theoretical and empirical foundations of sociology, the major themes of sociological research, and the techniques employed.