Course Information

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Course Materials

Finding the right textbook for your online course is simple. University of Arkansas Grantham’s online bookstore, provides textbook lists based on your semester courses and offers pertinent information, such as International Standard Book Number (ISBN), retail price, title, publisher and copyright date. Click the button below to get started.

Course Schedule

Academic Year and Calendar

University of Arkansas Grantham operates on a monthly enrollment cycle. Each term is a period of eight weeks (56 days). Some courses may not be available on a monthly basis. Online course sections are limited to no more than 25 students. If more than 25 students enroll in a course for a term, additional sections will be added as needed. Students should check the course schedule at the Student Portal or contact their Student Advisor. For the current list of start and end dates please see the Academic Calendar.

Academic Year for Students Receiving Federal Student Aid (FSA)

Students interested in Federal Student Aid (FSA) must establish the academic year during which they wish to receive aid. The academic year at University of Arkansas Grantham is two 16-week semesters long; each semester contains two eight-week class sessions.

For the current University of Arkansas Grantham sessions open to students receiving FSA and how they are combined into semesters and academic years, please reference the Academic Calendar.

University Holidays

The University observes and will close its offices on 10 holidays, as indicated on our Holiday page.

Attendance and Academic Interaction

University of Arkansas Grantham is committed to ensuring students take personal responsibility for achieving the learning objectives outlined within each course. To assist students in meeting that goal, the University requires students to regularly interact with fellow students and instructors through group discussions and submitting all coursework by the weekly due date.

During Week 1, students are required to establish attendance by logging into each course within seven calendar days of the term start date AND either submitting an item which is graded in the course or conducting a substantive course content-specific dialogue with the instructor in “Ask the Instructor.” If participation is established through the Week 1 discussion, an initial post of a minimum of 75 words must be submitted.

Students who fail to meet attendance requirements within the first seven calendar days of the term start date will be administratively canceled from the course(s). Attendance is measured on a course-by-course basis. Therefore, attendance in one course has no impact on attendance in another course.

Beginning in Week 2 and throughout the remainder of the course, attendance will be tracked using the tools within the LMS. Throughout the term, students must participate in such a way as to ensure successful completion of the course by the end of the term (i.e., regularly submit assignments by the designated due date and continue to interact with other students and the course instructor), abiding by the requirement outlined in each course syllabus.

Students who do not post attendance for a 14 calendar-day period will be administratively withdrawn, resulting in a grade of W recorded on the student’s academic transcript.

Course acceleration is not permitted. Submitting work prior to its due date (accelerating) and going inactive for 14 calendar days is still a lack of interaction in the course and an administrative withdrawal will be initiated. This will result in a grade of W recorded on the student’s transcript.

The following are examples of attendance activity in the course:

  • Written Assignments
  • Tests/Exams
  • Labs
  • Final Projects and Portfolios
  • Initial Discussion Post (totaling 75-150 words)
  • Replies to Discussion Posts (responses to fellow students’ posts)

Appeals to be reinstated are not permitted unless a system error occurred. Individual instructor course policies or exceptions do not supersede the University policy.