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eVersity Students + Graduates

We hope you had a great experience at eVersity. Whether or not you graduated with us, we hope you’ll check out the new opportunities that lie ahead for you at UA Grantham. Or if you’ve attended eVersity or are a graduate and you have business to take care of, we have you covered.
To make a payment
Debbie Strahan
(501) 686-2557
To request a transcript
Cindy Long
(844) 837-7489

Need to Access your eVersity.edu Email?

Blackboard and eVersity email are no longer available. However, if you need temporary access to either of these services please contact advising@eversity.edu.

More Opportunities For You

You’ve made your way to the University of Arkansas System eVersity’s former home. We’re happy to help you take care of the business that brought you here.

We’ve forged a new path to continue offering students a high-quality online education at one of the nation’s lowest tuitions. In early 2022, eVersity transitioned into a new University of Arkansas System online effort—University of Arkansas Grantham.

We’re now prepared to offer even higher-quality degrees in more than 50 programs, including graduate degrees. So, if you’re here because you heard eVersity was the place to be, wait until you see what UA Grantham has to offer.

See the UA Grantham Difference

Looking for a high-quality and affordable online education? Get familiar with UA Grantham. We’ve taken the best of what eVersity had to offer and combined it with one of the country’s leading online institutions.

With more than 50 degree programs — including graduate degrees — we’re confident you’ll find a degree path for you. UA Grantham’s 100% online degree programs are designed for adult learners, and everything we do is focused on minimizing obstacles and maximizing opportunities for students. We offer eight-week classes that are more flexible and more affordable, one of the nation’s lowest tuitions, generous credit transfers, and even lower tuition for first responders, veterans, and military families.

Lenovo V14 ADA
At UA Grantham, we’re on a mission to make education more accessible, which is why all new and returning students who enroll in a degree program receive a new Lenovo laptop—at no additional cost. The laptop offer is for new and qualifying students only.

HEERF Quarterly Reports

3rd Quarter 2021 Report / 4th Quarter 2021 Report / 1st Quarter 2022 Report / 2nd Quarter 2022 Report / 2022 Annual Report