Health and Safety Information
Vaccination Policy
Because University of Arkansas Grantham offers coursework exclusively through distance-education programs, UA Grantham does not have any policies regarding student vaccination.Campus Security Policy and Emergency Response Procedures
Because University of Arkansas Grantham offers coursework exclusively through distance-education programs, the University is exempt from Federal regulations requiring the release of campus security information, crime statistics, and emergency response procedures.Fire Safety Policies, Fire Statistic and Fire Log
Because University of Arkansas Grantham offers coursework exclusively through distance education and does not maintain on-campus housing for our students, UA Grantham is exempt from the Higher Education Opportunity Act enacted on Aug. 14, 2008 which requires institutions that maintain on-campus housing facilities to publish an annual fire safety report that contains information about campus fire safety practices and standards of the institution.Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program and Policy
The Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 & Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1991 mandate that the University have a drug and alcohol abuse prevention program. The prevention program is comprised of the following components:
- Education and information about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace and on University property will be disseminated through University newsletters, bulletin boards, special publications, and special programs to employees, faculty and students.
- Programs which address unlawfully controlled substance use, including personnel actions that may result from such violations, will be conducted and coordinated by the Human Resources Department and included in the Employee Handbook (employees) or by the Academics Department (students).
- Self-referrals, as well as supervisory referrals, to drug counseling and rehabilitation programs are available to employees and faculty members through the University’s Employee Assistance Program.
- University of Arkansas Grantham recognizes that employees and students of the university may, in accordance with the federal, state and local laws, choose to use alcohol on their own time. The University will actively work to educate employees and students about alcohol and drugs and make help available for those who need it.
Health Risks
Using alcohol and other drugs carries risks. Alcohol and drugs impair your judgment, making you more likely to hurt yourself or others, to have trouble with the law, to do poorly at work and school, and to have relationship trouble. Alcohol and drugs also have specific health risks: they can damage major organs, increase your risk of cancers, and even cause death.
- Drug – any substance that has known mind or function altering effects on a person, including psychoactive substances prohibited or controlled by Federal and State laws.
- Prescribed Drug – any substance prescribed for use by the employee by a licensed medical practitioner.
University Sanctions
To ensure a safe and productive work & learning environment, the following is prohibited from happening on University property or as part of any University activity:
- Unlawfully manufacturing, distributing, dispensing, possessing, or using controlled substances, or misusing or abusing prescribed or over-the-counter drugs;
- Having present in his/her body detectable levels of illegal drugs or alcohol while executing job duties during normal working hours;
- Violating any federal or state law relating to drugs;
- Consuming alcoholic beverages on University premises (rather owned or leased) while working remotely, or at a University-sponsored function unless so authorized by an executive officer of University of Arkansas Grantham.
Anyone violating this policy regarding alcohol and illegal drugs and/or controlled substances will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination (employee) or suspension and/or expulsion (student) in addition to referral for prosecution by local and federal authorities.
External Sanctions
Students and employees must be aware that there are significant criminal penalties, under federal and state law, for the unlawful possession or distribution of alcohol and illegal drugs.
Kansas Law: Kansas law provides that any person who violates the criminal statutes on controlled substances by possessing, offering for sale, distributing or manufacturing opiates and narcotics (such as cocaine and heroin) is guilty of a Class C felony. For a conviction of a Class C felony, the court may sentence a person to a term of imprisonment of a minimum of three to five years, a maximum of 10 to 20 years and a fine of up to $15,000. Unlawful possession of a depressant, stimulant or hallucinogenic drug is punishable as a Class A misdemeanor, with a penalty of up to a year in jail and a fine of $2,500. Depressants include barbiturates, Valium and barbital. Hallucinogens include LSD, marijuana and psilocybin. State law classifies amphetamines and methamphetamines as stimulants.
Article 7 of the Kansas Liquor Control Act provides for punishments ranging from up to six months imprisonment and fines of up to $1,000 for violation of statutes relating to the possession and distribution of alcohol.
Federal Law: Conviction for the possession of illicit drugs results in 1 to 3 years imprisonment and a minimum fine of $1,000, unless the offense involves cocaine base (crack) which may carry mandatory imprisonment for 5 to 20 years.
The range of penalties under state and federal law for unlawful distribution of illicit drugs is summarized in
The severity of the sanctions imposed for both possession and distribution offenses depends on the type of quality of drugs, prior conviction, and whether death or serious injury resulted. Sanctions may be increased for offenses which involve distribution to minors or occur on or near University premises. In addition, other federal laws require or permit forfeiture of personal or real property used to illegally possess, facilitate possession, transport or conceal a controlled substance. A person’s right to purchase a firearm or receive federal benefits, such as student loans, grants, contracts, or professional or commercial licenses, may also be revoked or denied as a result of a drug conviction.
Counseling and Treatment
The University encourages individuals with substance abuse problems to seek assistance. Employees at University of Arkansas Grantham have a resource through Care24 at no-cost. Employees are encouraged to speak with Human Resources for more information on who to contact for help. Students of University of Arkansas Grantham are encouraged to seek help in their local area or through online programs and hotlines. Two such examples are: